Who Are We?
The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Kingston is Queen’s University and Katarokwi/Kingston’s centre for education, action and research for social and environmental justice. Since 1992, we’ve been working to create a more just world.
OPIRG Kingston has initiated and supported numerous social justice initiatives over the years, like Kingston’s Queer Film Festival Reelout; The People’s History Project, a collection of local stories about oppression and resistance; and Roots and Wings, a local group for racialized youth – just to name a few.
What’s going on?
Regular office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-5 pm
Queer and trans co-working space: Wednesdays, 1 – 5pm
Drop by AKA (75 Queen St. up the ramp) to chat, work, hang out, grab stickers and snacks – whatever you feel like.
The People’s History Project is a collection of local activist histories at Queen’s and in Kingston. We even have a podcast! Listen to OPIRG Kingston’s People’s History Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
Get Involved!
Volunteer with us
Are you interested in learning more about and doing social and environmental justice work? Want to make connections with folks passionate about meaningful change-making?
We’re always looking to strengthen community networks – whether you’re a first year at Queen’s, a seasoned upper year, or if you never intend to enrol, we’d love for you to volunteer with us!
Become a Working group
Have an idea for a project, group or initiative and need help getting it off the ground? Reach out!
Working groups are groups that are supported (and sometimes started) by OPIRG, while remaining autonomous and separate. This gives groups freedom to work in the way that is best for them, but also the support that it takes to carry out their initiative.
Ear-to-the-Ground, our weekly newsletter with community updates and local rad event listings, is here to keep you in the loop.