What is mutual aid gardens?

Mutual Aid Gardens is a volunteer-run network based in and around Katarokwi/Kingston. We aim to improve access to fresh food and create stronger community bonds in the context of ever-increasing capitalist individualism/nuclear family structures. We don’t rely on those in power to fix things for us – instead, we come together and share space, harvests, and learn new skills.



Really, really free veggies – available throughout the growing season!

2024 Schedule 

We are experimenting with a different kind of food infrastructure that is:

  • Autonomously organized by individuals & communities, not by governments, corporations or non-profits
  • Networked, meaning that anyone can help garden, (with us or in your own garden), promote the markets, offer and/or take veggies
  • In good relationship with the earth unlike typical farming practises such as monocropping and using harmful pesticides and synthetic fertilizer
  • In good relationship with each other unlike the colonial food system that relies on exploitative migrant labour (one example of many)
  • Constructive in building collective capacity and power for feeding ourselves
  • Open for anyone to participate in the way that works best for their needs, interests, abilities, time, etc.

Beyond what we are trying to achieve as noted above, we are guided by an opposition to settler colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism and all forms of oppression.


“We seek to build transformative social relations based on dignity, care, and collective power.”

We’re featured in The Skeleton Press Spring 2022, Issue 9, pg 28. Check it out!

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