Alt-Frosh: Sep 9-21, 2024

OPIRG Kingston’s annual social and environmental justice event series  – open to all.

Follow for updates

People’s History Walking Tour

Abolition 101 with Care Not Cops

Screening of Taqwacore: The BIrth of Punk Islam

& more!


Alt-Frosh 2024. September 9-21. Social and environmental justice events open to all!

What is Alt-Frosh? Can I join?

OPIRG Kingston collaborates with groups on and off Queen’s campus to create our annual event series, Alt-Frosh! We connect people who are interested in and passionate about social and environmental justice with one another. Whether you’re a first year, upper year, grad student, or never intend to enroll at Queen’s, all are welcome to check out an event or two (or all!)

Alt-Frosh brings together folks challenging racism, colonialism, queerphobia, transphobia, patriarchy, and all forms of oppression to introduce new and returning students to our local activist communities.


This year’s lineup is awesome. We hope you think so too!

Monday September 9, 2024

 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Ban Righ Centre, 32 Bader Lane, Kingston, ON

People’s History at QUeen’s

What is ‘people’s history’? Why is it important here at Queen’s? Chat about local social movement history, make some pals, and enjoy a vegan meal with OPIRG Kingston, home of our local People’s History Project! Featuring guest Dr. Steven Maynard, social historian at Queen’s.

Wednesday September 11, 2024

 6:30 PM

AKA Autonomous Social Centre, 75 Queen St. up the ramp, Kingston, ON

Cinema Politica Screening of Taqwacore: THe Birth of Punk Islam

“Punk is an attitude, first and foremost. Punk is about questioning everything. So when you’re talking about spirituality and punk, I think what you’re doing is saying one can embrace spirituality but not without having to relinquish the ability to question and do it in your own way.” – Omar Majeed, Director.

Learn more

Thursday September 12, 2024

 6:00 PM

Black Liberation Commons, Sutherland Hall Room 301, Kingston, ON

Queen’s Black Clubs Caucus – Welcome Movie Night

Follow Queen’s Black Clubs Caucus on Instagram for more information.

Sunday September 15, 2024

Join our whatsapp group for details, and please introduce yourself 🙂

Mutual Aid Gardens – Work Party!

Mutual Aid Gardens grows food and community against capitalism, colonialism, and the state. Join us to harvest veggies in time for one of our last Really, Really Free Veggie Markets of the season!

Monday September 16, 2024

 5:00 – 7:00 PM

Meet at The Grey House (51 Bader Lane) and end at AKA Autonomous Social Centre (75 Queen St. up the ramp)

People’s History Walking Tour

From OPIRG’s People’s History Project, our Walking Tour covers local campus and Kingston stories of oppression and the creative methods people used to organize against power structures in self- and community-defense. Learn about student occupations, resistance to racism and colonialism at Queen’s, Kingston’s (ongoing) love for colonial figures, anti-queer repression, feminist organizing against sexual violence, and more!

Tuesday September 17, 2024

 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Robert Sutherland Hall Rm 448

Abolition 101 with Care Not Cops

What is abolition and why is it necessary? What does it mean to practice abolition here in Kingston, the ‘prison capital of Canada’, and at Queen’s, a colonial institution? Learn more about abolition, decolonization, and resistance with Care Not Cops & OPIRG Kingston.

Thursday September 19, 2024

 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Robert Sutherland Hall Rm 448

Freedom of Information Requests with Care Not Cops

What are Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests? Join Care Not Cops to learn how to process an FOI request, use information to advance social and environmental justice, and answer any questions you may have.

Saturday September 21, 2024

 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

232 Wellington St.

Used Book Sale with Blue Heron Books & Zines

Large outdoor used book sale! Lots of books, most prices $2, $3, or $5 each. Don’t miss out on some awesome deals!

Follow Blue Heron and AKA Autonomous Social Centre on Instagram.